Basic Protein Pancakes
Protein 55g Protein 55g Protein 55g Protein 55g Total Time 20 min. Servings 1 serving It is time to take back breakfast with this healthy protein pancake recipe. Ingredients 2 overripe Bananas 1 cup of Oatmeal 1/8 tsp of Salt 1 tsp Cinnamon Dash of Baking Powder 1 scoop MUSCLE MILK® Genuine protein powder, vanilla Directions Preheat oven to 350 […]
Basic Protein Pancakes

Protein 55g Protein 55g Protein 55g Protein 55g Total Time 20 min. Servings 1 serving It is time to take back breakfast with this healthy protein pancake recipe. Ingredients ¼ cup raw oats ¼ cup fat-free cottage cheese ½ scoop(s) banana or vanilla protein powder ½ cup egg whites Directions Prep: 10 min.Cook: 10 min.Total: 20 min. Blend all the ingredients […]
9 Ways To Exercise When You’re Stuck At Home To Stay Healthy

The current crisis situation we’re in is strange, stressful, and emotionally exhausting. Moving doesn’t just help you keep fit, it can also help you stay sane and even benefit your gut microbes. We’d normally burn off some of this stress and pent-up negative emotions by heading to the gym, going to a HIIT class, or jumping in the pool. Regular exercise can help us de-stress and […]